May 21, 2009 (China Knowledge) - Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, will hold the first Energy Forum Asia on Aug. 9 this year, and Wu Jianmin, a well-known diplomat and social activist, has been designated its secretary general.
The theme of this forum is "Energy Revolution: Growth, Green and Cooperation", and its goal is to establish a permanent communication mechanism to explore strategic approach for establishing a low-carbon economy in Asia.
Wu said the first Asia Energy Forum will provide opportunities for government officials, specialists and company leaders in the energy industry to share experiences and establish partnerships to face the challenges of clean energy in Asia.
Guangdong was chosen to host the forum because for the past three decades it has been the country's pioneer in using outside resources and has the potential to develop nuclear power to meet its electricity demands, said Wu.
The local government is pleased to host the forum as it is expected to attract more than 500 energy enterprises.
The forum so far has received support from the International Energy Agency and the World Bank as well as governments and institutions of Asian countries including China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and India.