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liuhuan00 2012-1-31 16:48
When Nikon unveiled its first mirrorless compact system camera (CSC) to the world in September, I was among a group of journalists who got to see it firsthand at a special event in New York City. The problem was, Nikon was so paranoid about any of us leaking info about the camera to the Internets, ...
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liuhuan00 2012-1-31 16:43
Canon Inc. today announced Canon’s full-fledged entry into the motion picture production industry with the launch of the Cinema EOS System. Canon’s new professional digital cinematography system spans the lens, digital cinema camera and digital SLR camera product categories. The Cinema EOS System ...
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liuhuan00 2012-1-31 16:39
qNikon released a new top-of-the-line speedlight flash for digital SLRs tonight: the SB-910, which will begin selling in mid-December for $549.95. The new SB-910 replaces the SB-900. The new SB-910 speedlight flash has a few new features from the previous model, including these three main changes: ...
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liuhuan00 2012-1-31 16:23
qSerious digital SLR releases were few and far between in 2011. Yes, there were plenty of new consumer level DSLRs—and some very good ones, it should be said—but if you were a pro looking to upgrade your camera, you probably kept your credit card in your wallet this past year. In an economy that ...
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liuhuan00 2012-1-17 15:41
Just what is Carrier IQ's software doing on your phone? And do you really need to worry about it? A 25-year-old systems administrator in Connecticut set off a media firestorm after discovering mysterious software on his Android that appeared to be recording his activities. Software maker Carrier IQ ...
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分享 39q
liuhuan00 2012-1-17 15:39
PALM COAST -- The City Council on Tuesday gave a green flag to its red-light cameras, saying it will keep the cameras and perhaps add more or move some existing ones. Mayor Jon Netts said he would support a study of any new proposed locations for red-light cameras to see if additional ones are warr ...
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liuhuan00 2012-1-17 15:37
TAMPA — The first time Tampa priced surveillance cameras for next year's Republican National Convention, officials got sticker shock when the bids approached $5 million. So now the city has trimmed its plans from more than 200 cameras down to about 60. It set a top price of $2 million. And it cut ...
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分享 37q
liuhuan00 2012-1-17 15:34
Third-quarter earnings reports from major tech vendors continued to pour in this week, confirming upbeat trends for enterprise software and emerging markets but mixed results for hardware and components. News from the PC component arena turned more positive toward the end of the week as Advanced Mi ...
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分享 36q
liuhuan00 2012-1-13 14:54
Before we dive into all the details, there are a few Apple resources you should consult before you start your camera search. First is an Apple tech support article that lists all the digital cameras with RAW files supported by OS X Lion. RAW file support lets you pull the original, uncompressed ima ...
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分享 35q
liuhuan00 2012-1-13 14:51
In the past few years, significant reductions in state and county aid to Takoma Park have left the city with fewer reliable revenue sources and tough budget decisions. But in this uncertain economic climate, Takoma Park’s speed cameras have emerged as a vital and, so far, consistent source of fundi ...
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